Hey There
Welcome to my About Page!
On this page, I will go through my experience as a designer and marketer. And also will include a brief history on me:)

MY Experience
As a freelancer in 2021, it is a basic requirement to have a level of skill with professional tools for the job in the 21st century. But more importantly, the knowledge of the field. Lucky for you, I have both.
Right before I began my high school career, in the summer of 2012 I was already interested in creating my own path and starting my own ventures at the wonderful age of 14. During this time started my first blog, "Toro's Drive", a fan site of the Houston Texans that I started with my older cousin, Manuel. On the blog, we wrote about anything related to the team, and as had a social media profile. The site was really only limited to the summer, as my cousin was forced to move back home by August. And while it was a great memory and a lot of fun, it provided a lot of my base knowledge that I still use today
In that same year, I began life at High School. One of my many interests was graphic design. To have the ability to create art and express myself in a modern format. In my freshman year of high school, I learned how to use some of the most renowned software programs in the world. Adobe Photoshop. I use Photoshop to create interesting graphics and logos for myself and many clients. It is a fantastic tool that I now use for almost every project.
During my time in high school, I halted any personal endeavors from a lack of time and motivation, I focused more on grades and extracurricular activities and shut down the website. But as my graduation came and passed and I looked onto college and found the desire to be creative again. And with this, my cousin and I started a new venture again, together. The All Things Humanity Podcast. This idea was a random one, and one we acted on a whim. During our podcast, we discussed multiple topics of mutual interest. That would include everything between movies and videogames, to sports and popular topics. The podcast went on for 40 episodes before we had to shut down the podcast due to multiple factors.
I rediscovered my passion for business. And with that, I began my first business, "Lone Wolf Apparel." LFA was a passion project I began at a time where I was very focused and passionate about entrepreneurship and fashion. So I had a "great" idea and said, "Why not combine the two?" And created an apparel brand that promoted hustle culture and entrepreneurship. However, this wasn't the greatest of ideas, and ditched it and decided to put more focus on creating something else. Something that could mean more to like-minded individuals.
As I moved on from LFA, I still had a great passion for entrepreneurship, and I wanted to keep the culture integrated into my next project. And decided instead of just creating a brand, I would create a platform for other young entrepreneurs, creators, and artists. HustleGen, something I still cherish to this date. I used multiple social media profiles to extend my reach further into my target audience. My ultimate goal with the site was to inspire others and bring them the most amount of value I could. That included motivational posts, blogs, podcasts, and daily news stories. I saw much growth in the site, however, the entrepreneurship motivation sector on social media is quite ubiquitous. And honestly grew quite tired of the "hustle culture." And decided to set my sights on creating my own site and share what I've learned and helped others establish themselves online.
Here's Just a Little Bit About Me.
I was born in Galveston, Texas and I grew up in College Station ever since.
When I was a kid I took Tae Kwon Doe lessons for nearly a decade.
It was around this time I discovered my entrepreneurial spirit! Where I sold whatever I found around the house for a quick buck... Sometimes I'd get caught, sometimes I wouldn't ;)
During Intermediate school, I played the Cello in the orchestra.
I played football (offensive line) all throughout middle and high school.
I graduated from College Station High School in 2016
During the summer after my graduation, I started taking Mixed Martial Arts. Otherwise known as MMA. And competed in a few Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournaments.
I started college with a Kineseology major but switched to Business.